FAQ about Liposuction.

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What is liposuction?

Liposuction is a way (surgery) to remove fat body by sucking out.

Is liposuction permanent?

Fats that have been issued can not be back again in a same place .Except when your weight increases too much. Generally liposuction are permanent.

Is liposuction can reduce weight?

The purpose of liposuction is to get more better for the body. usually body weight was not reduced or only slightly reduced. Reduced body weight on the "mega-liposuction", ie large volume liposuction where the fat removed 50-10 liters.

Who needs liposuction?

If you have body fat deposits which can not be diminished by way of diet, exercise, etc., liposuction will give good results

Is liposuction dangerous?

Every action has a risk. The risks each surgery are infection and bleeding. Both can be avoided by performing liposuction in a sterile environment with sterile equipment and the ways (in surgery) and by doing blood tests / laboratory before surgery. To reduce the risk of surgery, liposuction can be performed in local anesthesia, using the technique of tumescent. This method was discovered by Dr. Jeffrey Klein, a skin doctor (dermatologist) from the USA which makes liposuction the revolution and made it one cosmetic surgery is very safe. With adequate preparation, the doctor in charge, operating risks will be very small. Statistics show liposuction no more dangerous than other cosmetic surgery.

Who performs liposuction?

Liposuction should be performed by doctors who are competent to do so. Usually doctors do various specialists such as skin specialist, surgical / plastic, ENT, gynecological, etc. Although not all doctors perform liposuction specialist, you have to ask your doctor is where to get training / courses liposuction, how many patients do, complications what is gained. From the answer you can infer the ability and responsibility of physicians relevant.

Where do liposuction?

Liposuction performed in hospital operating rooms or clinics with anesthesia locally, meaning you keep awake. maybe tablet given a sedative and antidote for pain before surgery, so you will be a little sleepy.

Parts of the body which can in liposuction?

All parts of the body that contain fat deposits can be streamlined with liposuction. For example chin, cheeks, upper arms, abdomen, waist, hips, back, inner thighs, side of thigh, calf. The most frequently performed liposuction in women are: abdomen, thighs and upper arms next. In men with gynaecomastia (male breasts are large), liposuction also give good results.

What did the doctor do the operation time?

Doctors will inject anesthetic under the skin, creating a small hole in the skin (3-4mm) and insert a blunt needle in the fat tissue to be aspirated. Blunt needles to inject drugs are working local (tumescent) on the fat will be removed. After waiting 15-20 minutes, a new suction liposuction performed using kanula, which is a blunt pipe had a diameter of about 4 mm (for straw drinking straws), which was driven back and forth movement in order to suck out body fat. Once the desired shape is achieved, suction stopped. Finishing operation, a small hole in the skin will be sutured with 1-2 stitches, so it is only used on the skin of 4-5 mm only.

Complications of what might happen?

Complications of liposuction are the most common is iregularities, where the skin discarded after completion, it turns out this is a mistake not smooth. Usually doctors who perform or because of disruption of healing tissue in patients. It can be corrected again 2-3 months later. The second complication is infection, which should never have happened if done correctly. There are also cases of death due to liposuction surgery combined with other pure tumescent.After found ways Dr. Jeffrey Klein (skin doctors from the USA), none of the cases of death in more than 15,000 cases of liposuction performed by a dermatologist.