Scientists Discover How to Identify Alzheimer's Risk

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Risk of Alzheimer's disease among older adults healthy and well recognizable long before the disruption of cognitive ability that appears.

The method involves the identification of abnormal brain images combined with the composition of the fluid that surrounds the examination of the vein, researchers at the University of California at Davis (UC Davis).

"Our findings show that different patterns of biomarker imaging and deviations from certain adults may be early warning signs about the neurobiological pathology and early signs of Alzheimer` s disease, "said Laurel Beckett, professor of public health sciences at UC Davis and principal author of the study.

"When people are diagnosed with esophageal Alzheimer` s use of cognitive examination, there were a lot of brain damage. We hope in future that combines the various methods of brain imaging and biomarker assessment can be pushed back a diagnosis, "he said.

"At the same time learn more about the mechanisms that cause Alzheimer` s disease, so we can develop better treatment, "he said.

Analysis of these studies, published in the latest edition of the journal Neurology of Aging, choose a smaller group of healthy adults who later will experience a deterioration in memory performance is distinctive about the emergence of Alzheimer `s disease early, long before the other participants experienced in the study.

For these studies, the researchers used data from the Alzheimer `s Disease neuroimaging Initiative, which gave the researchers access to the examination of brain, other clinical data and laboratory results from spinal fluid and blood tests from more than 500 older adults.

Some study participants started with a clean list of cognitive health, partly with the condition is cognitive imbalance - a condition which is often a sign of Alzheimer `s appearance - and the others with the condition of moderate or mild Alzheimer` s.

The researchers analyzed data from 220 adults older than normal and have been running the "structural magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) and clinical examination.

About half of them are also gave examples of spinal fluid. Among the 96 participants, a group of sub-analysis identified three distinct groups of people based solely on the basis of imaging studies and laboratory measurements

Over the next three years, less healthy individuals showed changes in cognitive resources.

However, cognitive examination for those in one sub-group - about 10 percent of the sample - dropped by almost five times that figure as healthy adults older.

The researchers believe the group, which has a measurement of spinal fluid and MRI is the most extreme, perhaps the earliest stages mewakil sub-clinical cognitive decline and Alzheimer's disease.

Becker said the findings are an important step toward the discovery of a constellation of Imaging and fluid biomarkers predict cognitive decline, and how to determine if new treatments effectively.

"This method can improve the clinical trial for the prevention and reduce the number of study participants needed to accelerate the drug discovery - and ultimately change the way the pharmaceutical industry and the National Institutes of Health conduct clinical trials with Alzheimer` s, "Becker said as China's news agency reported, Xinhua.