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You know, most people in the world live with the brain rely more left? Though, to be more productive, both hemispheres of the brain, both right and left also needs to be used. To exploit all the potential of the brain, we could do a series of movement exercises to stimulate the brain called the Brain Gym or exercise the brain.

Paul E. Dennison, Ph.D., a professor of kinesiology who performs a variety of research on brain development through movement introduced brain Gym. Brain gym exercises are very helpful in moving the limbs; coordinate movement, skills, assist learning in schools, and adjustments to daily activities.

Gymnastic movements in the brain are relatively easy and can be done to anyone. Brain gym can also be done every day and do not need a special place. Although easy to implement, but still needed the exercise at first.

In children, according Ike.R.Sugianto, Psi, Brain Gym, a certified instructor, will optimize brain development. "The goal is to draw out the potential that exists, especially in the golden age of children. Condition optimal brain will make the learning process easier and eliminate the barriers of learning," said one of the speakers in the Smart Parents Conference to be held by the Frisian Flag in Jakarta July 31 future.

Gymnastics brain is highly recommended for children who are not optimal mathematical ability, as well as a lack of reading comprehension. Brain Gym will open up parts of the brain is completely covered or obstructed. The National Learning Foundation, USA, has also recognized learning techniques with the gymnastics of the brain.

Gymnastics brain basically trying to activate the left and right brain optimally. The principle of this exercise is to perform movements deviated through the middle or which is called the corpus callosum. To "cross the center line", the movement performed by moving the right hand with left foot and left hand with right foot. We recommend hand touching the opposite knee.

According to Ike, there are 26 general gymnastic movements of the brain. This exercise can be done before the child's activities or the time required for activities that require attention and concentration. By performing the movements intersect regularly for some time, is expected to occur harmonization between right brain and left-brain.

In addition to children, brain exercise is also needed for workers, especially those who claimed to always think of creative and full of initiative. Meanwhile, on the elderly, brain gymnastics movements performed regularly will improve the alertness and concentration.