Premenstrual syndrome is a hormonal disorder. When estrogen and progesterone hormone to defer their correct proportion in the human body, women have the physical and psychological symptoms. Physical symptoms are headache, fatigue, irritability, fatigue, insomnia, menstrual cramps and chest pains. Women lose their memory, mood swings, crying and trends in the amount of food a comprehensive psychological changes. Women seeking to take the right steps to alleviate the devastating crampshat menstrual cycle occurred with the premenstrual syndrome. Premenstrual depends heavily on more than 150 degenerative conditions. More than seventy percent of women suffer from PMS and other symptoms.
How common is PMS?
About 80% of women, some features of PMS. Fortunately, only a minority (approximately 10%) women, the symptoms are strong enough to impact the work of RP, and way of life significantly.
Who is affected by PMS?
As 85 per cent of women of reproductive age, some of the most common symptoms associated with PMS. In addition, approximately 30 to 40 per cent of these women, the symptoms are strong enough to disrupt daily activities. It is estimated that less than 10 percent of women, the symptoms are so strong that they are disabled by the condition.
In general, women are often the symptoms of PMS at the age of 20 to 40 - and especially women in this age group who have children, and history of depression in his family.
PMS is a set of symptoms. 150 individual symptoms did not occur. The exact symptoms and how it differs from person to person and from month to month. Most women in the premenstrual syndrome experience only a few of the problems. The most common symptoms are:
* Abdominal Tumor
* Breast tenderness
* Stress and anxiety
* Depression
* Mourning magic
* Mood swings, irritability or anger
Changes in appetite and food cravings
* Sleep problems (insomnia)
* Joint or muscle pain
Your doctor may take one or more medications for premenstrual syndrome. The success of drugs to alleviate the symptoms depends on the woman to woman.
Allowances to reduce the symptoms of PMS include:
* Calcium - about 1200mg daily of calcium carbonate can be symptoms of PMS in half. You should use these supplements for at least three cycles before you notice improvement.
* Magnesium - about 200 mg per day of magnesium may be associated with PMS bloating, fluid retention and breast tenderness in 40 percent. You should use these supplements for at least two cycles before you notice improvement.
* Vitamin E - 400 units of vitamin E per day may be breast tenderness.
* Chaste tree - a study showed that the herbal supplement chaste tree (Vitex Agnus castus) reduces PMS symptoms by half. Over 20 mg per day, symptoms of irritability, mood fluctuations, irritability, headache and breast fullness.
* Evening Primrose Oil - this could be complementary breast tenderness.
Self-Care Tips
If you suffer from PMS or PMDD, your symptoms with your doctor for treatment that is right for you. In treatment, women may be the consequences of these diseases. You can prevent some symptoms of PMS through diet and exercise. Limit consumption of caffeine, sugar and salt, which can exacerbate symptoms. If stress is a problem, try the sources of stress and helps to develop strategies to address these problems. Explain your symptoms to your local area. With your help and understanding, you can prevent anxiety, irritability, anger, and every month.