Infertility is a condition that at the present time, an estimated five million Americans. The condition is defined as the inability to conceive a healthy child for sex for one year without birth control. The condition may be caused by a problem with one of the men or women of child-bearing system. In fact, about 40 percent of cases of infertility due to problems of men and 40 percent are women. About 20 percent of cases of infertility have not determined the cause.
There are a number of physical factors among men and women that can lead to infertility. In men, infertility can be impotence, low sperm count, no sperm in the semen or sperm is bad. For women, the condition may be irregular ovulation, obstruction or dysfunction of the fallopian tubes or deviations from the uterus and cervix, such as polyps. An important risk factor for infertility in women is age. Many women today are waiting until the thirties and forties to have a child, increases the risk of infertility.
Signs and symptoms
The inability of a person after a year of regular, unprotected sex
Regular treatment
If you (or your partner) are not able, after years of attempts, your doctor or fertility specialist for assessment of fertility. This assessment should be removed in accordance with the conditions in both partners, may impair fertility, such as sexually transmitted diseases in overactive or underactive thyroid gland, drug abuse, conditions in the basin, as well as conditions of the prostate.
The person should see your urologist for examination and testing, many of whom are non-invasive and painless. Typically, ejaculated semen collection and analysis of the quality and quantity.
A woman should be your gynecologist for examination and evaluation. These tests are one of the following characteristics:
Hormonal tests to confirm that ovulation this month
Endometrial biopsy, a small piece of endometrial tissue testing to determine when ovulation occurs and when the uterus is hormonally
Hysteroscopy flexible fiber-optic cables to a device for studying the inner surface of the uterus and cervix in human
-Ray hysterosalpingography (often under general anesthesia) on the uterus and fallopian tubes
Laparoscopy is a cut below the navel, and the needle in the abdominal cavity in order after each block of the age of the oviduct and uterus
If any of these tests showed the condition that affects fertility, fertility treatment, and conditions can be restored.
For example, if a man has low sperm, artificial insemination, the implantation of healthy donors of sperm into the uterus of women is one of the options. Women who do not produce eggs regularly may be medications, such as citrate clomipene (Clomid) or human menopausal gonadotrophin (Pergonal) for induction of ovulation and stimulate the body for more than one egg at a time.
No exact cause of infertility is, or where others have failed treatment, there is another possibility. In the in vitro fertilization, the form of birth control option. During this process, the man is the sperm and eggs, of which one woman is in a petri dish, a fertilized egg in the uterus of a woman. It is important to remember that many of these tests and treatments are stress, expensive and time consuming. Recommendations are often necessary for couples experiencing infertility.