Chickweed ointment
You can not go wrong in the implementation of the barrel of honey, in particular, to seek protection from yeast infections. Ointment did not kill the yeast infection that causes itching, but nothing better than to help. The application of this ointment, two or three times a day for best results.
Pallets yogurt
This method also works well for itching painful. Just fill the tray with a Popsicle and frozen yogurt for a few hours. Then remove the tray and insert directly into the vagina. In addition to ease itching, beneficial bacteria in yogurt kills yeast contact and swelling.
Aloe vera gel
Aloe vera gel is the first type of treatment for each type of burning or itching. Just make sure that the use of the mark, which is not less than 99% pure and free from chemicals. Apply two times that day, and you will be a significant relief.
Honey is a great relief of symptoms, but they must be very careful with this. It should be applied only to the affected areas and then carefully and thoroughly removed. Yeast feeds on sugar, they should be very careful that there is no honey in the vagina.
Although these methods are very well to alleviate the symptoms of yeast infection, but remains part of the treatment. Knowing how all the pieces together that would lead to a permanent cure. There is a need to identify the main reasons that have yet to return to a yeast infection. After that, it includes the right to use natural resources on their position on the healing. The best solution for all parts used.