In addition to metabolic factors, stress, and hormonal, there are some external factors that make the protection of the natural skin heads interfere. What are the habits that lead to damaged hair quickly?
1. Bleaching
Bleaching is a part of the process of hair coloring. This is because Asian hair is black can not directly change the color of hair color, so naturally we have to be removed first in order to become more clear.
Bleaching Process high risk of hair damage. "When Bleaching, the hair cuticle will be included chemicals, so the natural pigment of hair missing," said Paradi Mirmirani, dermatologist of The Permanent Medical Group, California, USA. Actually, the hair cuticle is the patron. As a result, so the hair cuticle open more vulnerable damaged.
2. Curling
Chemicals used in the process of waving of course will damage the hair because of the loss of protein, amino in the hair. As in the hair-Bleaching, the process of curling will also make a weak strength of the natural hair. In addition, any hair looks dull and dry.
3. Highlight and coloring
Hair coloring and highlighting the effects do not cause damage, such as when the hair-Bleaching. However, it does not mean coloring hair does not damage the hair. This process also makes the structure of the natural hair changed, other than that if you do not care post-hair coloring, the hair is also more dry and broken.
4. Blow dry and vice
Steam heat generated by these two instruments will cause hydrogen, which were damaged hair so the hair becomes dry and brittle. If your loyal users, including hair dryer and hair clamp, use a conditioner and other hair care products to protect hair.
5. Considering hair
To avoid damage, do not tie the hair too often, too fast, let alone binding. In addition, avoid binding the hair when the hair in wet or humid conditions to avoid the condition of the hair broken.
6. Comb
Are You remembar that simple activities such as hair comb it can damage the hair? This occurs when too often comb your hair. "Hair is often caused friction will be combed hair excessive hair so easily broken," said Mirmirani. However, rarely comb hair also not recommended because of matted hair so easily. So, just adequate.
7. Too often shampoo
Our objective is to clean the hair wash skin from the head of oil. However, if done too often, a natural moisturizer will thin hair. Actually, hair moisturizer is needed to scalp hair is always healthy. Shampoo every day is recommended if you tend to scalp oily. However, when the hair starts to look dull, that means you need to re-schedule the time you shampoo.