Comfortable Walking with High Heels

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Identify the parts of your shoe, from heel to toe.
Woman News - High-heeled shoes will still be trendy, so you're so-so occasionally wearing these shoes for the office or other formal events. However, to prevent the happening of pain in the feet, even any injury due to too high a heel, you need to identify exactly the parts in your shoes. If there is a shortage of shoes, or on your posture, provide the necessary support. After that, learn to walk more comfortably. Here's a guide.

Identify the parts of your shoes
Body (heel): If the shoes make your legs stiff blistered, wet part of this shoe with water, then use your fingers to soften the skin fit the contours of your foot. Or, stick tape or pad in the shoe department (usually the heel) to reduce friction.

Breast (arch between the right and footwear): That is the arch in the shoe section, which affects your stability. The more forward curve, the more balanced your body.

Sol: Use the right material on the soles of your shoes will prevent slippage on smooth floors. Select shoes with protective soles of shoes, or insoles form on the right with a key to create extra appeal.

Toe Box (pad on the finger): If your toes feel like I was pinched, or squeezed, you need to stretch the base on the finger in place of the service of shoes.

Interior: If the arch is low make your legs hurt, add a cushion to relieve pressure on the balls of your feet (the soles of the feet which are under the finger).

Learn how to so you can move comfortably.
How to step :
1. Posture: The right shoes will encourage your body weight forward. So to balance your body, straighten your head, and pull the shoulders back. Stretch your body's center will relieve some pressure on your foot.

2. Step: Moving with the movement of the heel to the normal fingers can make your ankle sprains. To avoid this, take short steps, down evenly into the ball of the foot and heel.

3. Weight loss: When your weight entirely to the foot switch, stretch your toes inside the shoe. This can help distribute weight to the ball of the foot area.

4. Hips: When you feel out of balance, your body tends to become rigid. Let your hips swaying in a slight movement.
Give a bearing on the parts that feel less comfortable.
Give support
1. Bearing full sol: Sol in which tapered at the front will make your toes do not feel cramped.

2. Weight Shifters: These bearings are placed in the heel, thus transferring the weight of the ball of the foot toward the rear, toward the right shoes.

3. Gel toes: These bearings are supported on ball feet, to protect the area where your weight centered.

4. Open-toe pads: Sol in a shorter size, but provides the beat of the same silencer without visible from your shoes are open at the front.

5. Support your feet: If your feet at a low arch, or need a booster, this cushion will help relieve pressure on the ball of the foot.

6. Heel pads: These pads help to prevent foot slippage inside the shoe.

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