Dysfunctions 'Classic' - The treatment of female sexual dysfunction
The absence of orgasm - Treatment
Sex: Woman on top position
Once the couple has learned to run and enjoy these simple exercises, they are ready for the next step: sexual intercourse with the woman on top position. In other words, while the man lies passively on his back the woman mounts and then descends on his erect penis. However, once it enters your vagina, it is still so used to the feel. A few minutes later she started to move very slowly with no other purpose than simple enjoyment. Finally, the man can respond to it with some slow pelvic movements themselves. Still, both couples were asked not to aspire to enjoy orgasm if stimulation only. If orgasm occurs, should be considered as a pleasant surprise. It is often useful for the couple to stop this kind of sex when it becomes too demanding and relax each other again in their arms. Simply be pleased to carry then again to wake up the excitement and a new insertion of the penis.