Why Tattoo Much Preferred

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Art have decorating the body, such as tattoos and piercing, is predicted to continue in popularity. When the first two measures are used as a statement of identity, now tattoos and piercing have become part of fashion.

Actually tattoo practices have existed since thousands of years ago. This ancient art formerly more associated with cults and religious or social power and status. In India, how to decorate the body using henna powder made from the shrub Law Sonia Inermis has thousands of years old and is still practiced until now in a religious ceremony.

Dayak Iban in West Kalimantan also wore tattoos as a marker of the clan and repellent all sorts of dangers and diseases. Therefore, traditional tattoo cannot be done haphazardly. Rituals required before having a tattoo.

Meanwhile, the tattoo on the hidden body part initially practiced the English aristocracy after the voyage to the southern region. Then it copied the tattoo tattooist who practices near the port. Therefore, for hundreds of years, the tattoo “degenerates" because it is more widely used by commercial as sex workers and criminal circles.

In this modern era, when the popularity of tattoos and piercing reached after hundreds of years back as if attached to the image of the criminal, the art of decorating the body is more associated with the image of beauty to be more exotic, means of expression of inner feelings, and also just a trend.

However, before you decide to harass your skin with a tattoo needle, carefully consider the purpose and the reason for his health. Make sure that sterile needles are used. Do not just aesthetic reasons, for example, like the motif or color, you immediately decide to make a tattoo. The reason is, is not easy to remove tattoos. At least, tattoos that you solder in your skin have a meaning.