Pain Due to Extra Large Mr. P

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Indeed, often a large penis size is often used as standards of excellence of a man in bed. In fact, a large penis can actually hurt women's vaginal area during intercourse. Incredible pain will continue to settle, and usually will make the women's trauma. At least, he will continue to try to turn away from sexual activity. In fact, it was realized too, if he felt dissatisfied with his sex life, it is feared he will seek compensation outside the home.

According to John D. Moore, MS, CADC, professor of health sciences at American Public University, and author of Confusing Love With Obsession: When You Can not Stop Controlling Your Partner & the Relationship, many female patients who discussed the issue of sexual relationships in therapy programs. One of the many grievances centered on the sexual partner who is blessed with a large penis, but actually causes anxiety and pain during sex.

When something like this happens to you, do not immediately give up and decided to split up. Because there are actually some things you can do to fix it.

1. Do not do anything that makes you feel uncomfortable
however, both parties should enjoy sexual relations. Moore advised, before doing this activity, make the boundaries of what would be obtained and not obtained by the couple. Make such rules is not something wrong, because it will help reduce tension and improve your sexual experience.

2. Do it slowly
Desire nice pair of very understandable, but trying too hard and too fast can-can actually cause injury. The pain often is caused when exposed to the vagina is not fully ready to receive the penis. Make sure the liquid in the vagina is sufficient to facilitate the penis penetrating the vaginal area. If it is not enough, continue with his first session of foreplay. Then, ask the couple to start penetration by slowly and carefully. During this process, do the communication to ensure the pain does not occur.

3. Use the help of lubricants. If the second step above is not enough help, plus the amount of fluid in the vagina to provide lubrication fluids. Then, during the penetration process, re-do the communication so that couples also know when to stop if you start to feel pain. There's no point if you push yourself to please a partner, if this condition actually threaten your reproductive health.

4. Find more comfortable position. Have you tried other than the missionary position? Some sexual positions are recommended for men who have such a big penis spooning position (from behind), sideways, your legs above the hips, or you are both in a sitting position facing. This position does not allow the penis to penetrate the vagina maximally, thus minimizing pain. Try to do further exploration to find another position that is more comforting to the vagina.

5. Consider a fun way
if all the above ways you already do, and you are not able to reduce pain, consider other ways to satisfy a partner. You can still provide stimulation in other forms, such as oral sex. The point is to not make you stuck in situations that cause traumatic experience for you or spouse.