Whatever your age, it's never too late to do anything that might prevent the occurrence of cancer. Here are some factors that cause colorectal cancer, we can still control:
1. Contact with certain chemical substances such as heavy metals, toxins, ototoksi, as well as electro-magnetic waves
2. Poor diet, such as eating too much red meat and fat but not matched to hear fresh fruits and vegetables that contain fiber.
3. Saturated fat. Those who like to consume high-fat diet with a greater risk of colon cancer. Every day your body requires only 30% of calories derived from fat.
4. Alcoholic beverages. Can change the alcohol into the intestines asetilaldehida which increases the risk of colon cancer
5. Obesity. Research shows, overweight (obesity) is a risk factor for prostate cancer, colon, rectum, and breast cancer.
6. Working while sitting all day
7. Lack of physical activities such as exercise.