Starting your day right
Your parents may often say, "do not forget breakfast!” It turns out breakfast diet can help you too! Breakfast by drinking milk in the morning can help prevent hunger before lunch. Studies published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition conducted on 34 people who drank fat free milk in the morning. This study proves that by drinking milk in the morning can increase satiety and thus reducing absorb calories at lunch when as many as 50 calories instead of drinking fruit punch in the number of sama1.
With whom do you eat?
According to a study in 2009, friends eat your body type can affect the portion of the food you eat. If you go out to eat with people who have overweight lose weight, you'll tend to eat less, whereas if you go out to eat with people who are thinner than you, but eating large portions, then you'll tend to eat larger portions than generally. Therefore, beware the psychological effects of this diet as long as you run the program.
Focus, focus, focus!
At dinner, eat at the dinner table. Do not eat while watching television. Ads on TV show most foods high in fat, sugar, and salt, which stimulate a person as a result of such foods. In addition to watching TV makes the concentration of food becomes fragmented, resulting in food portions cannot be controlled with baik3.
1. Dove ER, Hodgson JM, Puddey IB, Beilin LJ, Lee YP, Mori TA. 2009. Skim milk drink compared with a fruit acutely reduces appetite and energy intake in overweight men and women. Am J Clin Nutr 90:70-5
2. McFerran B, Dahl DW, Fitzsimons GJ, Morales AC. 2010. I'll Have What She's Having: Effects of Social Influence and Body Type on the Food Choices of Others. Journal of Consumer Research 36: 915-929.
3. Cohen DA. 2008. Neurophysiological Pathways to Obesity: Below Awareness and Beyond Individual Control. Diabetes 57:1768-1773.