Borders Launches E-Book Store and the Applications E-reader

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Borders book publishers, the second largest publisher in the U.S. after Barnes and Noble, eventually went into business buying and selling e-book. Borders opens online store e-books and e-book reader (e-reader) needed. This allows the users to purchase books directly from and download e-book of their choice and read from his handset.

All the books contained in the e-book is already available in ePub and PDF formats. E-book that has been downloaded from an e-book store Borders, each with an average price of USD 9.99. Now reaches 1.5 million titles. Borders stores ebook covers everything from best-selling books to classic books.

E-book can be read in one application or device such as the Border eReader eReader Kobo. For example the e-reader applications for the Blackberry and Android gadget. Application of the new e-reader for the Blackberry and Android gadget looks like applications available for iPhone, iPod Touch, iPad, and for Mac or PC.

This application provides instant access to a catalog of books available at Borders ebook store that allows you to buy books and download them directly, can also access your e-book library from any device and of course save the e-book that you have downloaded so they can read while you're offline.

Furthermore this application also provides applications that are expected from an automatic bookmark eReader namely, the ability to remember visited pages, and font size adjustment capability so that e-book makes it easier to read.

Borders also plans to equip new stores with e-book applications. Before making a purchase, people who have supported devices with applications Borders e-reader e-reader or other application able to sit and wait and read e-books at the store. Or try a partner e-book reader from other devices such as Kobo e-reader and eBook Reader Pro Libre.