About Cysts and Pregnancy

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Cysts are fluid bag nembesar and alighted in the ovary, but can also in the skin, lungs, intestines, and even the brain. If the increase in size, risk of rupture. Fortunately, the growth of cysts is usually slow.

Cyst size varies, ranging up to more than 40cm 2cm, with a weight of 8 kg. cysts frequently become malignant or cancer in women over the age of 45 years.

There are two types of cysts, ie non-neoplastic and neoplastic cysts. Turunanya are:

1. Functional cysts. Most often, it is usually harmless. size not more than 5cm.bisa shrink itself in 1-3 months

2. Serosum cysts. Contains a clear liquid such as menstrual cycle influenced kunyit.pembesarannya during menstruation because additional amounts of fluid in the ovary telur.sering turn into ovarian cancer or cancer death ovarim.penyebab three Indonesian women, after breast or cervical cancer.

3. Musinosum cysts. Mucus-like fluid containing starch which, when broken to make sticky organ perut.selain dangerous too difficult to take.

4. Dermoid cysts. Cyst fluids such as menteg.kandungannya not only liquids, but also other particles such as hair, teeth, bones or waste kulit.merupakan inborn and can be experienced by men or women, bilameletus besides sticky content objects into the liquid in the stomach so that the outside hospital ordinary.

How to Know Cysts

- As a large cyst without symptoms present. often by chance when the doctor's examination.

- New powerful pain felt when cysts develop complications such as twisted or pecah.biasanya if more than 5cm in diameter.

Patients with Cysts Is Still Can Pregnant?

- Small and benign cysts may not affect fertility.

- If the cyst perched on one ovary there was one other healthy ovaries so they can get pregnant.

- A case that causes cysts can not get pregnant is if cysts develop into ovarian cancer, reproductive organs (ovaries or womb) must be in the lift.

Examination and Treatment of Cysts

- Cysts detected by ultrasound, history of disease (eg pain on menstruation or not.)