7 Tips Prevent Sore Throat on Summer

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Sore throat is not the monopoly of the children. In fact, approximately 40 million adults suffer from a sore throat every year. Cease-and desist sore throat is the solution.

Usually, symptoms of sore throat are viral or bacterial infection. But, sore throat can also be triggered by irritants, such as gastric acid, smoke cigarettes, smoke, dry heat, dust, pollen flowers, and other allergens.

Here are some tips you can follow to relieve sore throats, as discussed Articles Base.

Recognize any allergy symptoms
Common allergies can cause postnasal drip (or PND, which occurs when excessive mucus is produced by the sinuses) that hurts the throat. Itchy throat is not only painful, but also indicate an allergic condition.

If you have allergies, antihistamines can help relieve symptoms. Antihistamines have a drying effect, so be sure to increase fluid intake when you eat them. Antihistamines can also make you drowsy.

Select the best lozenges
Not all lozenges have the same formula. Best lozenges contain glycerin which makes the throat tissue is not enough liquid or dry.

You can find lozenges at health food store or drug store special. It is important to remember, avoid lozenges that contain mint or menthol. Therefore, both the material tends to dry out and it's bad for the larynx.

Tackle congestion
Nasal congestion forces you to breathe through the mouth, so that the throat becomes dry. Taking a decongestant to help relieve your sore throat.

Warm water bath
You can also retain moisture throat tissue with the aid of steam, e.g. steam bath or shower with warm water.

Drinking hot tea with honey plus
Tea with honey is a traditional medicine for sore throat. You can improve the therapeutic benefits with a spicy taste of red pepper. The trick, adds one tablespoon of honey into your tea, and add juice of half lemon juice and red pepper. Pepper has the effect of a mild anesthetic, also stimulates the immune system.

Reduce volume

In order for strap throat does not become inflamed, you do not need to spend if you have to speak loudly.

Think twice to rinse
Gargling can actually exacerbate and prolong inflammation of the throat. Do it once or twice with salt water might make you feel better by improving blood flow to the throat area. But do it regularly, especially mouthwash, throat can be very hurt.

If you want to rinse the mouth once in a while, then it is advisable to use a solution of ¼ teaspoon of salt in ½ cup water. Be sure to only rinse again, and do not swallow the salt water.