Sometimes there is a plateau, where the height and weight is maintained at a constant level, rather than increasing. But since you're only 13 years old, you can enter from a height of yoga asana if you have time. Yoga is to determine the amount of tadasana are vriksasana, Ardha uttanasana, salabhasana, garudasana, adho fly svanasana and balasana. This is not a contribution to the height, but also help to ensure that in the upright posture. In addition to this practice as a healthy food and a balanced diet rich in protein and calcium. Visit now - Picmoney dot com
Tadasana - on the floor or on a yoga mat with feet together. Body weight should be balanced on both feet. Keep your hands on the sides of the thigh. Stretch your legs, lift the knees from each other in the abdomen, chest and tail bone hidden inch inhale. Slowly lift your hands from the waist to the head. Stretch their limbs in the opposite direction and hold for 30 seconds. And, as a rule, when you vydohnite. Breathe and relax. Drop your shoulders, arms and slowly relax your knees and hips. It is very easy to raise and with great joy.