To demonstrate this point, look at your skin in any part of the body that rarely sees the light of the world. Compared to our face or hands, the skin is not exposed to the elements and remain clear pink, smooth, without wrinkles, smooth and strong. The dry and crumpled paper, or deeply wrinkled, and faded leather look, the results of accelerated aging.
Aging Time:
20-30 - Change the skin and damage may begin to collect, but not yet. Twenty years may be considered age prevention, skin care, where most of the problems associated with lack of attention. Be sure to wash the face before bedtime can lead to clog pores, blackheads and white heads. Blinking in the sun, rather than using moisturizers can be dry, fine lines around the eyes. Too little sleep, too much alcohol and smoking can dull a person. Severe sunburn can now create the conditions for all types of cancer, including melanoma skin.
From 30 to 40 - Decade of laugh lines, crows feet, and at the beginning of a double chin. Limiting factor is the gradual loss of elasticity of skin collagen and elastin. As a result, the skin becomes less elastic, and begins to lose its firm and flexible structure. The sebaceous glands are usually less active and, consequently, less sebum (oil). Bad skin does not lubricate as effectively to retain moisture, so our skin can become dry. The rate of cell turnover slows, and dead cells remain on the surface of the skin, dull person. Even in his 30, and the color brown spots on the skin.
From 40 to 50 - 50, while sales in the cells two times as long as they did for 20 years. In skin cells remain on the old surface, which ultimately, natural color and bright, dull and dry, and the bags, sags, wrinkles and lines caused by the loss of collagen and elastin. This loss, thinning of the underlying structure of the epidermis, which can lead to skin or paper and cause the collapse of the neck or eye wattle. The skin on the surface is too uneven levels, creating shadows, blemishes, dark circles under eyes and blemishes on the face and backs of hands.
From 50 to 60 - 60 years, a person is mature. Upholstery fat under the skin so that his face shows more of its corners and holes. As the weakening of muscle fibers, fat, in the form of eye bags. Personal bones begin to shrink, all collapsed around him. Oil production declines after menopause leads to a significant drought. Turnover, as the cell continues to slow, the skin becomes thinner and more prone to wrinkles and falls. Years of solar radiation, or hormonal changes may occur in spots or uneven skin tone.
60 + Bad traffic, a common problem at this stage of life, can help to steal your skin glows pink. All the more thin and dry skin is also vulnerable to stress, the environment and may be more sensitive and prone to irritation.